I had my first leadership role when was twenty two being head chef at a restaurant and quickly learned to make very unpopular decisions and stick with them – no time to reach any kind of consensus during the Saturday night dinner rush. Following that, I also had to learn to debrief and apologise without explanation or reservation. Because obviously mistakes were made. That happens when you have to execute six hours straight. Despite the fact that you planned for all eventualities (you didn’t). Despite the fact that you promised yourself not to snap at the waiter (You did, but he’s an idiot and he just had it coming…). Despite the fact that you swore you’d remember to hydrate so as not to get tired and dizzy and make more mistakes (You forgot and almost fainted down the Sauce Bearnaise). That job was a very good lesson in many leadership perspectives.
I also read. A lot. And I low-key believe that you can learn everything you need to learn about power and leadership and the corrupting power of both from Shakespeare. And Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy might just be the most hilarious book ever written. And I have read Lord of the rings nine times. Yes. Nine. Yes, I am a nerd and unashamedly so.
My formal credentials such as certifications, master degrees, courses and experience are all here on my LinkedIn profile.
I am also someone who thinks that modern life is too far removed from nature and that our cognitive abilities are positively affected by going on adventures in the wilder parts of our planet. Which is why I have dedicated a large chunk of my life to doing just that together with my partner. If you’re interested hearing about us hugging a tree or climbing a mountain or some other awesome stuff, we share our adventures and sometimes thoughts at anarchy_adventures on Instagram