So lets meet

And get you started on figuring out what challenge you want to get on with right away

So what do I actually offer

Conversations that matter. Conversations with consequence. Conversations with no bullshit

Three sessions

3 no bullshit conversations to help you execute on what you really need to be executing on.
If we can't figure out your challenge and an action plan in three sessions , I'm probably not the right person to help you.
And yes, you will feel squeezed. I wouldn't be doing my job if you didn't

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The super annoying follow up plan

So we've figured out your challenge and you've decided what you want to do about it. Now the only thing left is for you to execute on that plan. Easy as pie, right? Or I can call you every week and follow up

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Happy as a pig in mud?

Then all is good in La-La-Land and you don't need to do anything.
If not, you might want to take a look at how well the things you actually give a shit about is represented in your job

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Let's Talk

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Amager Torv 14
1160 København K