When we hold tight to the idea of the hierarchy as the optimal organisational model, we accept the fact that the organisation first and foremost delivers upwards. Not to the customers. Not to the patients. Not to society. Not to the stakeholders. But upwards. 
When we continuously reward the expected outcome, the measurable results, we get employees that are excellent at delivering on already decided expectations. They are predictable and steady. But only until the world collapses and expectations change in a split second. Then they become a liability. Unable to manoeuvre in a different reality where they don’t know what the parameters of success look like. But the innovation that the modern organisation screams for might lie hidden in the ‘useless’ knowledge, the wild ideas. In recruiting someone with a completely different background, a strange and unruly mind, an unconventional CV. It might lie in trust. The trust we as leaders have the courage to place in our employees. If we trust that they are curious, dedicated, committed and probably don’t get out of bed in the morning, thinking: ‘Today I’m gonna do a shitty job’, but rather: ‘Today I am hopeful I can make a difference’, we might have a chance of surviving the next radical change.